If ISIS was telling the truth when it claimed responsibility for Friday’s Paris terror attacks, then this represents a “major shift in ISIS’s global strategy,” according to Will McCants.
Around the world, people stand in solidarity with the people of France.
[showhide type=”More”]PARIS — Friday night’s deadly terror attacks in Paris, in which around 130 people were killed, took place at six locations and were carried out by three teams of terrorists working in unison, according to French prosecutors.
The woman shown in some images included in this video are not of alleged female suicide bomber Hasna Ait Boulahcen. The images show Nabila Bakkatha, who at the time this video was published, was mistaken by media outlets worldwide as the alleged assailant. Bakkatha has not been identified as a terrorist and is still alive.
According to an exclusive report by the Daily Mail, friends and neighbors have described 26-year-old Ait Boulahcen as a partygoer who loved to indulge in alcohol and cigarettes, as well as the company of many men.
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